Union Island

Union Island

Union Island Hurricane BerylWe were distressed to learn of the devastation caused on Union Island by Hurricane Beryl. We enjoyed our best ever holiday there, where we found not just wonderful natural beauty but charming, friendly, genuine people. Spiritually our thoughts are with them, but thoughts and prayers don't do much on a practical level. We would urge anyone who has enjoyed a holiday in the Caribbean to make a donation here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-the-union-island-population-recover-from-the-hurricane.

Union Island is such a wonderful place that we can't bear to show any more images of the destruction that has fallen on Union Island and the other nearby islands. Instead we prefer to illustrate this short blog with photos from happier times.

The Islander's InnObviously we've had no direct contact yet with The Islander's Inn on Union Island, but we can only presume that the hotel will be closed for some considerable time. Other Caribbean islands have also been affected by the hurricane of course but we understand that the damage on Bequia and St Vincent is not so bad so hopefully the hotels there will be able to open again quite soon.

It would be going too far to say that the people of the West Indies are "used to" hurricanes, but they know that the risk is always there. The resolve of the people when it happens, and their ability to work together and to repair the damage is both impressive and quite uplifting.

Clifton Harbour

5 Jul 2024, 10:05

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