Little Hotels
in Rome
Reasons to visit Rome
What can we say about Rome that hasn’t already been said? Very little, in all probability.
Rome has been a cultural, political and architectural centre for 28 centuries. It was the heart of the Roman Empire, arguably the greatest empire there has ever been. Despite the numerous artistic movements that have followed over the years, there are quite remarkable monuments from that era still on view. Most iconic of them all is the Colosseum, notable not just for it’s size and architecture but also for the famous (or infamous) events which it hosted.
The establishment of the catholic church in Rome assured the city of an enduring legacy beyond the fall of the Roman Empire. The immense power of the church during the middle ages kept Rome in the forefront of every architectural and artistic style that was to follow. Still today, the church and the papacy are fundamental to the city, particularly as the Vatican City is an independent nation occupying a small corner of what is otherwise a great European capital.
Visitors to Rome have such as vast choice of sights to see, that it would seem impossible to do them all. The selection of bridges, statues, obelisks, fountains, art galleries, museums and churches is enough to boggle any imagination. Most people though will consider that a visit couldn’t possibly be complete without seeing the Colosseum, the Trevi fountain, the Sistine Chapel, the Roman forum and the Basilica of St Peter.