Little Hotels
in the Midlands
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Reasons to visit the Midlands
Visit the English Midlands to see areas of outstanding natural beauty, the home of William Shakespeare, and England’s second city, Birmingham. The Midlands is a place steeped in art, history, and culture. See one of Britain’s architectural jewels, Lincoln Cathedral, or visit the hometown of William Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon. You can also see the inspirations for one of his most beloved plays, the battlefields and tomb of Richard III in Leicestershire. It’s not all history though, there are lakes (Rutland Water), canals (so many!), hills (the Cotswolds, for instance) and theatres (Stratford again).
Just a few miles from Stratford-upon-Avon are two of Britain's finest castles; Warwick Castle and Kenilworth Castle.